What made me chose her is this article that I read, about her thinking how she wasn't good enough. -> http://asianuniverse.net/forums/Nancy_Wu_Am_I_That_Bad_t356873.html I will come back to this later on in this post.
I looked her up on Wikipedia. She was known through her participation in TVB's 18th Annual New Talent Singing Awards competition (Top 4) as well as TVB's 3rd Annual Cover Girl Competition (Where she won many things). Then, she enrolled in TVB's acting class.
I'm always very impressed by actress who actually "learned" acting and went into acting class. They seem to be like the ones who really worked hard for it and really want it. (I'm not criticizing actresses who entered to TVB after winning pageants.. .but in some way, they actors who studied acting do seem to know more about it)
Series I've seen of her ; Ten Brothers (Tong tong), Forensic Heroes III (Eva), Daddy Good Deeds (Wendy), Season Of Love (Chau Sang)
Ten Brothers is one of the series I watched a while ago, but I still remember her character well...because she had my chinese name in it :P She played a stubborn but kind girl in it. Her character seemed quite important since it was one of the only "girls" character in it (since there are 10 brothers; 10 guys) and I think she shared a good chemistry with Jack Wu. So she already left me a quite deep impression then, and even though I haven't watched any of her series from 2008-2011, I recognized her right away as "Tong Tong from 10 brothers" in Forensic Heroes 3. (which is rare because I didnt use to recognize people at that time) I saw her again last year in Daddy Good Deeds.
In both FH3 and DGD, she played the wife of someone. I could see that she made huge steps from Ten Brothers and her acting improved a lot :) Her scenes where she was mad & yelling, were very convincing. Eva, wife of Wayne Lai in FH3, was nice at first, then started to be irritating since she didn't seem to care about her family, but that was the goal and Nancy reached it. In DGD, she was the wife of Evergreen Mak and the sister in Law of Cilla Kung and Linda Chung. Together, they really looked like a real family :)
Even if I haven't saw the serie Gloves Come Off, I heard that she played a mute girl in it and used sign language. Once again, impressive :) I'm gald that she won Best Supporting actress for it at the TVB awards last december! It proves that she has the potential to act.
Another thing I wanted to mention is that..Nancy can sing!! I didn't knew she entered a tvb singing competition at first, so I was very impressed the first time I heard her singing at the New Year countdown. The song was really catchy and I enjoyed hearing Nancy sing it :)
& when I heard her singing at the Starhub awards, I was like yup, she can really sing! Sorry bout the quality of the second video... its the only good one I found xD Im so happy she sang the themesong of THC cause it's one of my favorite serie:) Plus, heard the person recording (or someone near) saying that she sang quite well, hehe :) Nancy really sings better then I though! (And better then some tvb singers too...:P)
News (article at top of the post)
The only news article I want to talk about it the one I posted at the beginning (especially the first two parts..) I know Nancy had other news/rumors of boyfriends and stuff, but I don't want to get into that, it would be way too long and I don't want to comment on her relationship since I do not know that much about it..
Love what she said :) She really seems to be really trying, so I wish all the best for her. Nancy, I support you lots!! The article also talked about how she could pair with Wayne, and I agree! She really looked like a great couple with him in FH3 and the two seemed to share a good chemistry. Hope that her pairing with Wayne can be advantageous for her by allowing her to have bigger roles in series :) Looking forward to see more from Nancy!!
*When I write these kind of things, I sometimes secretly expect that the artist will read it, if ever they randomly google themselves and bump onto my website, haha. That's why I say "you" sometimes, like for "I support you" :P Just ignore it if you're a regular reader, hahahaha xD