Saturday, March 9, 2013

Season Of Love Review

Here's my review of Season Of Love, really wanted to share my thoughts bout this series :) It's gonna be a bit different from my usual reviews though. I usually write random thoughts on one or more episode, but this time around I wanted to do a sort of "viewer response" to each story I've seen, like I do "reader response" to books I read in my English classes :P (Allows me to practice doing those and its something different then usual too ;)) I have my initial thoughts, themes, comparing with another serie . Just Read! :) ttook SOO much time :P That's why I only managed to do it for the spring season, for the others I only wrote thoughts :) But please leave a comment down here or in the chatbox to let me know if you like my "responses" style review ;)

Spring :

I wasn't too surprised by the story since I thought it was just another common tvb story line. Two people fall in love, but they don't think they can be a couple since they live in two complete different world, but in the end it works out. Although I'm not a huge fan of Toby Leung and thought many other tvb actresses could have portrayed her character better, I thought the other artists such as Him Law and Kandy Wong. Season (Him Law) really did look irritating at first but sweet after all, and Mui Chu (Kandy Wong), the litlle sister, was just really cute throughout the serie.

One of the main themes of this serie is that one should not judge another person unless they truly know them. During this spring season, all the characters have prejudices towards one another. Even if they don't really know each other, they think they do and have negative thoughts about them. For example, Chun Fun (Toby Leung) thinks that Season is just a selfish superstar and hates him at first, but she later, when he rushes to the hospital to see his mother even if he was really busy, she founds out that he is a very caring person.That is why she changes her mind about him and falls in love with him. Another example is that when Season, his manager and his assistant first saw Chun Fun, they didn't like her much and treated her poorly. She wasn't an important character to them, only the car driver and did not care about her feelings.They even accused her of sending out the pictures. Later, they found out that it was not true and want to hire her again because they discovered that she really was a person they could rely on.

This story made me think of Vincent and Yi-Hei's storyline in Divas in Distress. In both stories, the guys considered from a higher class and are wealthier then the girls. Because of this, they say think that the girls are inferior to them so even when they fall in love, they cannot believe themselves and refuse to admit it. Later on, it is fine to love the girl even if they are very different. In Divas, Vincent's mom is opposing to their relationship while in Season of Love, it is Season's manager. Nevertheless, both Vincent and Season manage to date their girls.


Summer story was my favorite story of all 4. The part that intrigued me the most was Ng Chun Kai (Ron Ng) 's leg. I was really excited to know more about it, and I originally really thought that he got bitten by a wild animal. The other interesting part is Jack (William Chak). I really thought he was a nice guy at first...he really scared me! I did not expected him to be a villain at all :P I'm glad that he changed at the end :)


I was glad to see Nancy Wu and Oscar Leung :) It was interesting to see the 3 versions of the story and how Chau Sang (Nancy Wu) 's life ended up badly in the first two stories, and how she learned to change her attitude in the last one. What confused me a bit though, is that it had no link to the rest of the seasons and Kenneth wasn't even in the 3rd version? It seemed a bit disconnected to the rest of the serie...However, I liked how they showed mini Chau Sang (Suki Lam!!) because it really reflected the whole story :)

The only thing I liked about winter is the actors....Myolie Wu and Kenneth Ma. I think the rest of the story was poorly written, and there were things that did not make sense. Like, when Tung Nei (Myolie Wu) did not knew that she has forgotten a part of her life in 1997. Usually, people forget, but they know that they went into hospital and forgot something. Tung Nei did not seem to know that something happened to her, which seemed a bit weird to me. Also, why did they used someone else to portray the younger version of her?? It was her teenage version, so they should have used Myolie instead. It made me very confused at first because I didn't get why she was dreaming of a random girl. I also thought her boyfriend would be Cho On (Kenneth Ma), and that he lost memory too, or something! (Cause the younger version of the bf DID look like him...think he played Kenneth's younger version in The Hippocratic Crush too..) Anyways. This story seemed to be rushed, and there were a bit too much coincidences, like the fact that Cho On's father was actually the storekeeper and that he kept the diary he thought he was him, etc. I didn't really like the story in general :/

The thing that attracted me most to watch this serie was Him Law, Ron Ng, Nancy Wu, Oscar Leung, Myolie Wu and Kenneth Ma...I thought I'd really like it since so many artists that I like are in it...but no :/ Overall, it was just ok- really not a must-watch. Another thing that confused me was that, did Tung Nei and Cho On's story happened before all the others? cause he had pics of her in his phone in the first two stories...but it doesn't make sense since when Tung Nei was mad at him, he was busy searching about Tung Nei's case so he could not take care of the other ones? Confusing :/ Don't really recommend watching this series, unless all you want is to support the artists in it xD Must say their acting was quite well, despite my dislike for the story :P


  1. Kenneth did make an appearance in the autumn story... he was investigating whether Oscar was cheating on Nancy in the first life and investigating Nancy for Vincent about something.

    1. Ohh I know, he was in the first two lives but not in the third one :P

  2. The first story was kind of funny but it really felt like a rip off of a Korean drama storyline. I liked the summer story best but was annoyed with Ron Ng's female friend (the chick w/the short hair). The 3rd Fall was good but it was kind of depressing (at least the first version). I don't understand why there are 3 versions? Is it kind of suppose to be like the butterfly effect? The last story I must admit was the least catchy of all. Overall, I would give the drama 7/10. I like how each story really felt like a completely different feel.

  3. same love story line,
    just added more "grease" so the movie go more smooth
    we human will never tired watch the same thing again and again
    I like "kei kei" new face, hmm thats the "grease"

  4. Summer story was nice but reminded me too much of the plot in Taiwan's 败犬女王. In that drama, the reporter's senior aka lover also mia due to an accident that caused him to lose his leg. In the hk version, they merely changed a bit here and there. :(

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